Kerala, the 100% literate State in India is having many first to its credit. Adding to this list Thachankary Foundation has opened India’s first autonomous Community College in Kerala, under Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) viz. ROYAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE at Cochin and Munnar offering a 2 year Associate Degree which is a new concept and academic qualification in India. The objective of Community Colleges is formation of a knowledge society, promoting job oriented holistic education and employment opportunity to the disadvantaged. These institutions are offering convenient and challenging academic experiences with appropriate skill development in collaboration with local industries, thus leading to gainful employment.
Specialization being the need of the time, Royal Community College is aiming at molding talented professionals with strategic specialization in the field, most suitable for our country viz. Hotel Management & Tourism.
Community College are alternative system of education aiming for empowerment of the disadvantaged and the under privileged for employment and self employability. This is achieved by appropriate skill development in collaboration with the local industry and the community. The Community Colleges are rooted in the community for providing job oriented, work related and skill based education. These colleges offer a two year curriculum that either leads to an Associate Degree with flexibility for opting a profession or pursuing for a Bachelor’s Degree, directly or through lateral entry. Community Colleges are a source of economic growth because they provide an educated and skilled workforce that improves the quality of life for individuals, communities and the nation. It is aimed at the empowerment of the disadvantaged and the under privileged for employment and self employability.
Royal IGNOU Community College established and managed by Munnar Catering College, the largest institution of its kind in India. At Munnar the college is located at 6500 feet above sea level in Thachankary Hills, Sooryanelli, Munnar Kerala. The facilities of the College include helipad, swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna, steam bath, gymnasium, indoor stadium, cricket pitch, amphi theatre, modern hostels etc. Royal Community College has also got a campus in the suburbs of Cochin at a picturesque village (Royal Village) located in a verdant island 16 kms from Kochi airport and 12 kms from Ernakulam Railway Station. Accessible both by road and by island waterway.